Monday, January 29, 2007

Bush Admin Push Iran/Iraq Weapons Deal?

Could it be possible that the Bush Admin either thru sheer incompetence or skilled planning allowed the Iraq/Iran weapons deal in order to make a statement such as this?

"If Iran escalates its military action in Iraq to the detriment of our troops and/or innocent Iraqi people, we will respond firmly," said the President, who also remarked, "I take the Iranian nuclear threat very seriously, even though the intel on Iraq was not what it was thought to be." Bush warns Iran

Let's not forget that Iraq and Iran signed a military deal:

"Former foes Iran and Iraq have said they will sign a military cooperation agreement that will include Iranian help in training Iraq's armed forces." Iran and Iraq to sign military deal

When the Iraqi Defense Minister was asked about US opposition to Iranian involvment:
"Nobody can dictate to Iraq its relations with other countries"

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