Thursday, March 22, 2007

Over 1000 Subpoena's Issued to Investigate President Clinton

from Rep Brad Miller

"In other words, they think we’ll act like Republicans. After Republicans took control of Congress in 1994, the House Government Reform Committee issued more than 1000 subpoenas to investigate alleged misconduct by the Clinton Administration and the Democratic Party, or two for every day Congress was in session.

Are Republicans worried that congressional investigations will be burdensome? The Clinton Administration produced two million pages of documents, an average of 4,000 pages of documents for every day Congress was in session." heard right...Republican's issued TWO SUBPOENA'S for every day they were in session and Clinton produced 4,000 pages of documents for the same. What did all this "Matlocking" uncover? Hmm...Clinton cheated on his wife (see Newt Gingrich) and found that Clinton had done nothing illegal in the Whitewater Investigation. By the way....Republican's wasted $50 million.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

But Clinton Did It........

Tony Snow Thinks Executive Privilege Pertains to Republican's Only...

"What kinds of conversations does executive privilege protect?…What are the limits on privilege?'' a newspaper columnist wrote in the spring of 1998 on a subject strangely familiar today."

"Evidently, Mr. Clinton wants to shield virtually any communications that take place within the White House compound on the theory that all such talk contributes in some way, shape or form to the continuing success and harmony of an administration,'' the columnist wrote. "Taken to its logical extreme, that position would make it impossible for citizens to hold a chief executive accountable for anything.''

More from the Chicago Tribune:Snow swallows own old words

Thanks to Aravosis

By the way, Clinton did let his aides testify UNDER OATHE.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Guerilla News Latest......Please Watch.

"Directed by GNN’s Ian Inaba, American Blackout chronicles the recurring patterns of voter disenfranchisement witnessed from 2000 to 2004. Told through the life of Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney who took an active role investigating the scrubbing of the Florida voter roles and then found herself in her own election debacle after publicly questioning the Bush Administration about the terrorist attacks of 9-11. American Blackout travels from Florida to Georgia to Ohio examining the contemporary tactics used to control our democratic process and silence political dissent.

  • Winner – Special Jury Prize, Sundance Film Festival 2006
  • Winner – Best Documentary Feature, Cinequest Film Festival 2006
  • Winner – Stand Up Audience Award, Cleveland International Film Festival 2006
  • Winner – Special Jury Prize, Independent Film Festival of Boston 2006
  • Winner – Audience Award, Columbus Alive Deep Focus Film Festival 2006
  • Winner – Best Documentary Feature, Urbanworld Film Festival 2006"

    Courtesy of Guerilla News Network
  • Conservatives Cannot Govern.....Incompetence is by Design

    "I don't want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub."--Grover Norquist (Honest Jerk)

    "Donald Rumsfeld has been axed. Tom DeLay cut and ran. “Scooter” Libby stands convicted. Michael “you’re doing a heck of a job” Brown was tossed. Newt Gingrich disgraced himself. And now the clueless Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales, is surely the next to go."


    "What is it about conservative administrations that lead them into disgrace and indictment? Incompetence isn’t at the core of these scandals—ideology is."

    more from Robert Borosage at TomPaine

    Cant See the Forest, Thru the Trees...

    Pretty much sums up the mentality of Iraq War advocates aka Republicans and the Democratic sell-outs (Hillary, Lieberman, Kerry) when it comes to the attrocities being committed in our name.

    "March 19, 2007 | One-year-old Shams was brought to the National Iraqi Assistance Center with her uncle to seek plastic surgery in the US. Her mother was killed in the blast that burned her face.
    (Photo: Eros Hoagland / The New York Times)
    " Courtesy of Truthout

    Read the story here

    Watergate Cover-Up 2.0

    "When the president does it, that means that it is not illegal."--Richard Nixon (during Watergate investigation)

    "In DOJ documents that were publicly posted by the House Judiciary Committee, there is a gap from mid-November to early December in e-mails and other memos, which was a critical period as the White House and Justice Department reviewed, then approved, which U.S. attorneys would be fired while also developing a political and communications strategy for countering any fallout from the firings."

    .........more below

    "Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), a member of the Judiciary panel, noted that six of the eight fired prosecutors were involved in corruption investigations focusing on GOP lawmakers or officials, and she questioned whether the firings were an effort by Republicans to protect their own."

    Courtesy of The Politico

    Friday, March 16, 2007


    'Yahoo Betrayed My Husband'
    "FAIRFAX, Virginia -- Early one Sunday morning in 2002, a phone rings in Yu Ling's Beijing duplex. She's cleaning upstairs; her son is asleep, while downstairs, her husband, Wang Xiaoning, is on the computer. Wang writes about politics, anonymously e-mailing his online e-journals to a group of Yahoo users. He's been having problems with his Yahoo service recently. He thinks it's a technical issue. This is the day he learns he's wrong."


    "Moments later, government agents swarm through the front door -- 10 of them, some in uniform, some not. They take Wang away. They take his computers and disks. They shove an official notice into Yu's hands, tell her to keep quiet, and leave. This is how it's done in China. This is how the internet police grab you."

    I encourage all Americans to boycott Yahoo. Kill your IM accounts and refuse to use their search engines and news services.