Thursday, July 26, 2007

Prescott Bush Planned to Overthrow Roosevelt?

"The coup was aimed at toppling President Franklin D Roosevelt with the help of half-a-million war veterans. The plotters, who were alleged to involve some of the most famous families in America, (owners of Heinz, Birds Eye, Goodtea, Maxwell Hse & George Bush’s Grandfather, Prescott) believed that their country should adopt the policies of Hitler and Mussolini to beat the great depression."--The Whitehouse Coup via BBC Radio

Are you suprised that a bunch of right wingers would think Hitler had the best economic model for getting out of the depression? They also forget that the depression was caused by Republican malfeasance to begin with.

"Hoover and the Republicans saw aid to corporations as being different. Whereas they believed that helping the individual citizen weather the Depression would corrupt him or her, aiding corporations and other business was different. To many, it appeared that the Republicans were only interested in the rich. The newly-created Reconstruction Finance Corporation aided only the large corporations.."

Lets not forget who Prescott Bush was....

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Can this week get any worse?

Verdict is out on that one.....

I am almost in support of people being on a cocktail of anti-psychotic medications. I must be unwittingly in possession of a "crazy magnet".

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Why Do Right-Wingers Hate Kos?

Courtesy of Think Progress:

"Every Democratic presidential nominee is going to the DailyKos convention," said Kristol. "That’s the left-wing blogger who was not respectable three or four years ago. The Howard Dean kind of sponsor. Now the whole party is going to pay court to him and to left wing blogs."--Bill Kristol July 22, 2007

From Bill O:

"O’Reilly went on to compare the YearlyKos blogger convention to "a David Duke convention" while calling DailyKos "hatemongerers" like "the Ku Klux Klan" and "the Nazi Party."--Bill O'Reilly July 17, 2007

Here is why Cons hate Kos:

"After high school, Moulitsas served in the U.S. Army (1989-92) as a 13P -- Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) Fire Direction Specialist. He trained at Ft. Sill, Oklahoma and served the remainder of his three-year enlistment in Bamberg, Germany. While he entered the Army as a Republican, he abandoned the GOP soon after his enlistment."

Chickenhawks like to push pencils as opposed to doing push ups.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

David Brooks.....aka The Shill Who Luvs GWB

Via Think Progress

David Brooks is confused about Iraq?

"Let me say, I’m more uncertain about what to do than I’ve ever been in this war," he said. "I really have no clue. So I almost have no judgment on what we should do, stay or go. I really am so confused."--NewsHour with Jim Lehrer-July 20, 2007

Remember when David "the shill" Brooks thought he know WTF he was talking about when it came to Iraq?

"The country wants to get out of Iraq, but they don’t want to get out precipitously. They want a managed withdrawal. The majority just isn’t there. So the majority in the Congress had to accede to those two realities."NewsHour with Jim Lehrer-May 25, 2007

Ohhhh but wait...there's more....he even goes as far to help the Bush Administration out with "connecting the dots" on Iraq and 9/11 back in 2003.

"You're in a context, post-September 11 where everybody is blaming you for not bring all the information together, to think about a theory of how the World Trade Centers got blown up. So you want to be aggressive in connecting the dots. They were aggressive and they did take this Niger thing seriously. But to me, that's what I want my president to be doing in those circumstances because nuclear bombs could be months away in Iraq." NewsHour with Jim Lehrer-July 18, 2003

Mushroom clouds anyone?

Republican Obstructionism or Treachery?

Republican's say one thing and do another.....typical in the land of self-loathing hypocrisy. Lets look at this little tidbit of how the Republican mantra of "Party Before Country" has wreaked havoc on the country.

"WASHINGTON — This year Senate Republicans are threatening filibusters to block more legislation than ever before, a pattern that's rooted in — and could increase — the pettiness and dysfunction in Congress.

The trend has been evolving for 30 years. The reasons behind it are too complex to pin on one party. But it has been especially pronounced since the Democrats' razor-thin win in last year's election, giving them effectively a 51-49 Senate majority, and the Republicans' exile to the minority."--Senate tied in knots by filibusters

Republicans, what are they good for? Not you or me....