Thursday, March 22, 2007

Over 1000 Subpoena's Issued to Investigate President Clinton

from Rep Brad Miller

"In other words, they think we’ll act like Republicans. After Republicans took control of Congress in 1994, the House Government Reform Committee issued more than 1000 subpoenas to investigate alleged misconduct by the Clinton Administration and the Democratic Party, or two for every day Congress was in session.

Are Republicans worried that congressional investigations will be burdensome? The Clinton Administration produced two million pages of documents, an average of 4,000 pages of documents for every day Congress was in session." heard right...Republican's issued TWO SUBPOENA'S for every day they were in session and Clinton produced 4,000 pages of documents for the same. What did all this "Matlocking" uncover? Hmm...Clinton cheated on his wife (see Newt Gingrich) and found that Clinton had done nothing illegal in the Whitewater Investigation. By the way....Republican's wasted $50 million.

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