Saturday, July 21, 2007

David Brooks.....aka The Shill Who Luvs GWB

Via Think Progress

David Brooks is confused about Iraq?

"Let me say, I’m more uncertain about what to do than I’ve ever been in this war," he said. "I really have no clue. So I almost have no judgment on what we should do, stay or go. I really am so confused."--NewsHour with Jim Lehrer-July 20, 2007

Remember when David "the shill" Brooks thought he know WTF he was talking about when it came to Iraq?

"The country wants to get out of Iraq, but they don’t want to get out precipitously. They want a managed withdrawal. The majority just isn’t there. So the majority in the Congress had to accede to those two realities."NewsHour with Jim Lehrer-May 25, 2007

Ohhhh but wait...there's more....he even goes as far to help the Bush Administration out with "connecting the dots" on Iraq and 9/11 back in 2003.

"You're in a context, post-September 11 where everybody is blaming you for not bring all the information together, to think about a theory of how the World Trade Centers got blown up. So you want to be aggressive in connecting the dots. They were aggressive and they did take this Niger thing seriously. But to me, that's what I want my president to be doing in those circumstances because nuclear bombs could be months away in Iraq." NewsHour with Jim Lehrer-July 18, 2003

Mushroom clouds anyone?

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