Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Jim Cramer Correct? Hell Must Be Getting Chilly

"The market rallied on Tuesday, with the Dow up about 100 points and the Nasdaq and S&P 500 climbing over 1% each. The move seemed to anticipate a Republican win in Massachusetts’ special Senate election, which would kill the Democrats’ filibuster-proof majority in the upper chamber and pause what Wall Street sees as an anti-business agenda."--Cramer: ‘Brown Better Win’ MA Senate Seat

This should not be a surprise to anyone. Obama and Rahm "I sell votes" Emanuel have been running this moderate "change we can believe in" campaign since the inauguration. The White House is not too concerned with what the American people think.....for they can resell this dog feces to the American public again in 2012. Dont believe it?

Michael Steele and Karl Rove are giddy with excitement.....

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